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High blood pressure

Patients with High Blood Pressure can participate in hajj safely after following the below guidelines:

  • Consult your physician about your ability to participate in the pilgrimage.
  • Carry an adequate supply of medications in a safe and appropriate manner.
  • Carry medications prescribed by your physician as instructed.
  • Regularly monitor your blood pressure and ensure it is controlled.
  • Follow healthy habits, drink less tea and coffee, reduce your consumption of salt, avoid processed and fatty foods.
  • Consume a balanced diet that contains fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and proteins.
  • Get enough rest whenever possible.


Diabetic individuals can participate in Hajj safely after following the below guidelines:

  • Consulting his physician about the ability to participate, and explaining potential risks he may face (hypoglycaemia, foot ulcers...)
  • Carrying an adequate supply of medication in a safe and appropriate manner.
  • Getting medications prescribed by his physician as instructed.
  • Wearing a bracelet or carrying an ID card stating their diabetes condition and treatment details for emergency use.
  • Regularly measuring blood sugar levels using a glucometer.
  • Following dietary instructions from their physician (reducing sugar and fat intake)
  • Keeping insulin cool during transport and storage using appropriate containers or refrigeration.
  • Carrying sweetened juices or sweets to address symptoms of hypoglycemia.
  • Wearing comfortable socks to protect feet and avoid going barefoot.
  • Taking their medications and eating adequately to maintain blood sugar levels before Tawaf or walking between Safa and Marwa.
  • Temporarily pause rituals if experiencing hypoglycemia symptoms.
  • Using an electric shaver instead of a blade.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly.
  • Regularly checking foots

Heart disease

Patients with heart disease can participate in Hajj safely after following the below guidelines:

  • Consult your physician before going for Hajj to assess your health condition.
  • Carry an adequate supply of medications in a safe and appropriate manner.
  • Carry medications prescribed by your physician as instructed.
  • Wear a bracelet around your wrist with details of your name, age, diagnosis, type of treatment and medications that you are currently taking.
  • Avoid excessive physical exertion and consider using a wheelchair during certain rituals.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if you experience chest pain or shortness of breath.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Reduce fats, salty foods and eat a high-fiber diet (fruits& vegetables).
  • Stay hydrated.

Kidney disease

Patients with kidney disease, particularly those with kidney failure, poor kidney function, or kidney stones, can participate in Hajj safely after following the below guidelines:

  • Prior to undertaking Hajj, consult your physician to ascertain your capability and receive pertinent health guidance.
  • Ensure you carry enough medications securely and in an appropriate manner.
  • Strictly adhere to the medication regimen prescribed by your physician.
  • Prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalances by avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Consider limiting the intake of meat and protein during your pilgrimage.
  • Promptly seek medical attention at the nearest health center or hospital should any health concerns arise, such as a urinary tract infection.


Gastrointestinal patients are advised to eat low-fat/fat-free foods such as boiled, grilled and steamed foods. They should not add spices and hot sauces. They should avoid eating foods that cause stomach irritation and discomfort.

There are many causes of gastrointestinal disease:

  • Malnutrition and viral infections.
  • Instances of food poisoning.
  • Allergic reactions to specific foods.
  • Complications arising from certain medications.
  • Low dietary fiber intake.


Asthmatic patients can participate in Hajj safely after following the below guidelines:

  • Ensure your asthma is well-managed by consulting with your treating physician to review your treatment plan.
  • Receive all recommended vaccinations, including the annual influenza vaccine. Carry an ample supply of medications securely and appropriately.
  • Abide by the medication regimen prescribed by your physician. Wear a wristband containing essential details such as your name, age, diagnosis, treatment type, and current medications.
  • Avoid crowded times for performing rituals to reduce the risk of asthma attacks.
  • Always carry an emergency nebulizer during the rituals for immediate use when needed.
  • Utilize an inhaler before engaging in strenuous activities such as Tawaf, walking between Safa and Marwa, and stoning the Jamarat.
  • Seek medical assistance promptly if asthma symptoms manifest.


Patients suffering from allergies can participate in Hajj safely after following the below guidelines:

  • Visiting their treating physician to prescribe appropriate anti-allergic medications.
  • Avoiding places, times, tasks, and foods known to provoke allergies, such as direct sunlight exposure and crowded areas.
  • Being cautious of drowsiness caused by certain allergy medications.
  • Wearing a bracelet or a labelled card with their allergy and the intervention needed in emergency situations.

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